ADRIJOROUTES Projekt (Promicanje održivih rješenja za pomorski kulturni turizam) financiran je iz Programa prekogranične suradnje Interreg Italija – Hrvatska (2021.-2027.) te je usmjeren na potrebu ublažavanja ekoloških i društvenih utjecaja masovnih turističkih tokova u programskom području.
Opći cilj ADRIJOROUTES-a je potaknuti održivost, društvenu uključenost i digitalizaciju turističkog sektora jadranskog područja promicanjem održivih turističkih iskustava temeljenih na kulturnim dobrima 8 jadranskih luka. ADRIJOROUTES uključuje kulturne i turističke aktere programskog područja i šire kroz valorizaciju lučkih kulturnih dobara u smislu razvoja zelene i digitalne kulturne destinacije koja je u skladu s društvenom dobrobiti lokalnih zajednica. Uključene luke su Rijeka, Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik, Trst, Venecija, Ravenna, Ancona. Projekt ADRIJOROUTES usmjeren je na tri glavna skupa mjera za postizanje svojih ciljeva:
– Definiranje prekogranične strategije i akcijskog plana
– 7 zajednički razvijenih ¨ADRIJOUROUTES-a¨, sastavljenih od različitih iskustava, fizičkih i digitalnih od strane uključenih luka i područja
– Stvaranje prekograničnog ¨živog¨ muzeja
Projekt vodi Uprava luka srednjeg Jadrana, a ostali partneri su Lučka uprava sjevernog Jadrana (luke Venecija i Chioggia), Lučka uprava Ravenna, Uprava za mrežu luka istočnog Jadrana, Klaster intermodalnog prometa, Lučka uprava Dubrovnik, Lučka uprava Zadar, Javna ustanova RERA SD za koordinaciju i razvoj Splitsko-dalmatinske županije.
Ukupni proračun projekta iznosi 2.662.685,40 EUR (2.130.148,32 EUR ERDF), dok Lučka uprava Zadar ima proračun od 297.930,00 EUR (238.344,00 EUR ERDF).
ADRIJOROUTES (Promoting sustainable solutions for maritime cultural tourism) is a project funded by the Interreg Italy – Croatia cross-border cooperation Programme (2021-2027), focusing on the need to mitigate the environmental and social impacts of mass touristic flows in the programme area and to reduce the overwhelming dependence of the main Adriatic touristic destinations on massive coastal tourism, that put at risk the social and economic resilience of local communities.
ADRIJOROUTES overall objective is to boost the sustainability, social inclusiveness and digitalization of the touristic sector of the Adriatic area, by promoting sustainable touristic experiences based on cultural assets of at least 8 Adriatic ports. ADRIJOROUTES engages cultural and touristic actors of the programme area and beyond in the valorization of ports cultural assets as gateway for green and digital cultural destinations consistent with the social wellbeing of local communities. The involved ports are Rijeka, Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik, Trieste, Venice, Ravenna, Ancona. ADRIJOROUTES project focuses on three main sets of measures to achieve its objectives:
– The co-definition of a cross-border strategy and action plan
– The 7 co-developed ADRIJOUROUTES, composed of different experiences, physical and digital, of the involved ports and territories
– Creation of the Cross Border living museum
The project is led by Central Adriatic Ports Authority and other partners are North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (Ports of Venice and Chioggia), Port of Ravenna Authority, Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, Intermodal Transport Cluster, Dubrovnik Port Authority, Port of Zadar Authority, Public institution RERA SD for coordination and development of Split-Dalmatia county.
Overall project budget is EUR 2,662,685.40 (EUR 2,130,148.32 ERDF) while Port of Zadar Authority has a budget of EUR 297,930.00 (EUR 238,344.00 ERDF).